In a 2017 study, doctors’ appointments in 18 countries that accounted for ½ of the world’s population, lasted 5 minutes or less; even countries like Sweden and the US had average appointment lengths of 22 and 20 minutes respectively.
We have a lot of options now-a-days for medical care. The physicians and medical professionals that we choose to work with will each have their unique prospective on your illness or issue, based upon their education, background, and personal experience. These individuals are often strapped for time so it’s important for you, as the patient/client to come prepared.
You may create a more comprehensive list, but here are some questions to bring with you to your next appointment. (And take notes, or have someone take notes for you.)
- What do you recommend to address the cause of my condition?
- If pharmaceuticals will be prescribed
- Is this drug really necessary?
- Are there any natural alternatives or other options to the drug you are recommending?
- What are the studies showing this drug is effective?
- What are the side effects?
- How will you monitor the side effects?
- What is the NNT, the Number-Needed-to-Treat?*
*The NNT measures the impact of a medicine or therapy by estimating the number of patients that need to be treated to have an impact on one person. You can go to “” to find out the benefits AND the harms data for many drugs.
For example, NNT benefits of aspirin – 1 in 333 avoided a non-fatal heart attack and no deaths were prevented.
- If your physician is recommending a procedure or surgery, you may also ask…
- Is this procedure really necessary?
- What are the risks?
- Are there other options?
- What happens if I don’t do anything? (My personal favorite!)
The bottom line is, make sure you are totally on-board with any recommendations from your health care professional. Don’t be afraid to get a second opinion either. The more informed you are the better your decisions will be. It’s your body and your health that’s at stake.
As a certified Medical Intuitive and certified Quantum Practitioner I work to remove the energies and emotions that may be preventing you from healing. If you have tried the allopathic/conventional medicine approach and you’re not getting meaningful results, perhaps I can help. Check out my website at to learn about my practice and read the testimonials from my clients. Here’s to your health!