Curses, (hexes and spells,) Oh My!

Curses, (hexes and spells,) Oh My!

It’s not what you think… It’s all about the energy … and how it’s directed.  According to Raymon Grace, a gifted healer and dowser I follow, a curse is simply “an intensified negative thought form” directed at you. In my practice as a paranormal investigator and...
5 Secrets To “The Secret”

5 Secrets To “The Secret”

“The Secret” book was published in 2006 by Rhonda Byrne and became the subject of a movie and countless other teachings over the years. This work is all about manifesting. The basic premise of the book is that you just focus on what you want and it will easily come to...
Release Your Potential Now

Release Your Potential Now

This is my first blog post. I’m excited and a bit nervous. There is so much I want to share, and I thought I should start with a bit of my journey to help us get acquainted. Prior to 2006 I was living in Minnesota working as a mortgage loan officer – for 30 years....